International Platform for Peace United States Child Member
$ 1 Per Year
*Your Child will be recognized as a Supporter of Peace
International Platform for Peace United States Supporting Member
$ 100 Per Year
*Recognition as a Platform for Peace Member Supporter
*Quarterly Newsletter with the latest news from around the world relating to peace and peacemakers
*Invitations to yearly peace events in Los Angeles and other related cities in the U.S.
*Recognition in printed press and publicity materials
*International Platform for Peace Membership Pin
International Platform for Peace United States Sunshine Board Member
$ 500 Per Year
*All of the above plus ticket to upcoming Gala
*Recognition around the world as Platform for Peace Sunshine Board Member
*Bio, Photograph and contributing writer in Platform for Peace Monthly Magazine
International Platform for Peace United States Ambassador Member
$ 1,000 Per Year
*All of the above with recognition as a Certified Leader for Peace
*United States Platform Speaker opportunity for peace in cities and states in the U.S.
*Monthly webinar, in person or conference call updates and opportunities to represent Platform for Peace in your city and state
International Platform for Peace United States Advisory Board Member
$ 5,000 Per Year
*Opportunity to sit in on Executive Board meetings, listen and share 10 minutes verbal comments and submit written comments
*Opportunity to apply for Platform for Peace Global Peace Writer for Platform for Peace Magazine
*First on call for Peace Speaker opportunity with paid travel and lodging within the United States
*Platform for Peace United States Jacket Crest, Shoe Crests and a Lapel Pin with Peace Certificate
International Platform for Peace United States Cabinet Minister Member
$ 10,000 Per Year
*Executive Cabinet Minister Member representing a cabinet of elite statesmen and women framing the world for peace initiatives
*Cabinet Member Ministers interacting and meeting with local politicians and Washington, D.C. political decision makers
*Invited guests and members of THE CITIZENS PEACE TALK TABLE with community leaders and state lawmakers
*International speakers for peace and peace policy makers in behalf of grass roots peace start-ups
*Cabinet members receive Jacket Crest, Shoe Crests and a Lapel Pin along with a beautiful membership certificate suitable for framing
*Opportunity to assist in the selection of incoming volunteer board members and fundraising chairs
To become a member, please contact us for a membership application. We will ask for a copy of your bio, along with an 8x11 head-shot photo. Once received and approved, a new member packet; membership certificate; dinner induction date and a payment invoice will be forwarded you.
The International Platform for Peace is in operation to assist our nation and our international brothers and sisters in supporting their desire for peace in their lifetime, and to place our hands and hearts into their lives to share peace modalities, methods of peace, and examples of peace by the way we live our lives.
We stress as peace builders and peace makers that the only way to end human discord on earth, and the suffering of all living beings is to develop and practice peaceful actions in the name of love.
The International Platform for Peace has as its vision the desire and intention to see every man, woman, and child living in peace; alongside our animal friends; in universal harmony as existing forms of creation.
A life of peace is a life free of human chaos in all its many forms.
We must always strive to break global barriers in our quest for universal understanding. Only then will peace be possible in our one world.
Thank you for tuning in Saturdays, 8am - 9am PST! Become a member of Global Vision for a $100.00 yearly fee. Receive a membership T-Shirt, copy of Colonel Harrison's book, "The Answer To Civil Unrest", and a framed membership certificate. You will also receive tickets for 2 for the upcoming "A MESSAGE TO AMERICA WORLD TOUR", 2021, in a city near you, where you can meet William Harrison, Marcia Ann Mims Coppertino and staff members for the IPFP. Many other monthly member opportunities await you including member spotlights from around the world!
For more information or to become a member,
please write or email for an application and credit card payment invoice.